Plant Regeneration through Tissue Culture Techniques in CRIN Lab

Plant Regeneration through Tissue Culture Techniques in CRIN Lab

Plant Regeneration through Tissue Culture Techniques in CRIN Lab

This is based on the principle of totipotency; plantlet is generated from any part of the plant so far its undergoing meristematic process. Plant regeneration can be achieved by culturing explants to form organs (organogenesis), or by developing plant embryos. Explants are sourced from root, stem, leaf, flower and seeds. In CRIN biotechnology laboratory, research trials are being conducted on these explants for cocoa, cashew, tea, kola and coffee to develop a best tissue culturing technology. Recently, with combined research efforts of Prof. Esan and Dr. Anna Muyiwa, the laboratory has succeeded in generating embryo and plantlets despite enormous challenges. These were gotten through embrogenesis and organogenesis.

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The Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) was established in Ibadan, Oyo State on 1st December, 1964 as a successor autonomous rese arch organisation to the Nigerian Substation of the defunct West African Cocoa Research Institute (WACRI)

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